Some of the best abdominal exercises require no equipment. Just focus and commitment to getting them done right
June 15, 2018
If there is one muscle that we all want to show, it has got to be six pack abs right? Considered the corner-stone of physical fitness, a clearly defined, toned mid-section tells the world that you’re one of the elite few, the fittest of the fit.
Whether it is a conditioned athlete, a fitness cover model, or simply someone who watches what they eats and takes care of their body, six pack abs are something that top most peoples wish list when it comes to making changes about their appearance.

The Big Four
The most commonly known on is the long, flat Rectus Adbominis (RA) that attaches from between three rib bones and runs down the center of the core to the pubis bone. By flexing this muscle, you pull the torso towards the hips and the hips towards the torso. It’s right and left halves are separated in the middle by a strong tendon, making it look like some people have a deep ridge running down the center of their stomach. This is called the linea alba (meaning white line). There are also three horizontal tendons that cross over the RA, giving the appearance of six packs of muscle. This muscle is worked in sports that require jumping, running and lifting
Diagonal and Linear
There are two sets of diagonal muscles either side of the RA that assist in twisting the trunk.
The External Oblique (EO) is the outermost muscle which covers the side of the abdomen and originates from the lower eight ribs and inserts on the outer part of the hipbone and via the midline of the linea alba. The left EO is activated when rotating the torso to the right. Strengthening this muscle will improve such sports where trunk rotation is important, such as golf, tennis and baseball.
The Internal Oblique (IO) is a smaller and thinner muscle that lies underneath the external oblique and runs in a diagonally opposite direction. It originates from the inner part of the hip bone, and inserts into the lower six ribs. The left IO is activated when twisting the torso to the left. Strengthening this muscle will improve performance in such activities as canoeing, skiing and football.

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In need of an extra boost to your training? Check out my free Abs Guide, and Ultra Lean Nutrition Manual
Horizontal Bands
The Transverse Abdominis (TA) runs horizontally across the abdominal wall underneath the external and internal oblique’s. It originates from the hip bone and lower six rib bones, and inserts into the linea alba behind the rectus abdominis. The TA pulls the abdominal wall inward, forcing you to exhale deeply. Strengthening this muscle will enhance sports with short-term power such as karate, shot put, and football.
Besides just looking good, the reason behind having a strong core and abdominals is to maximize their involvement in exercise, while minimizing the use of the hip flexors. Those who don’t train their abs often have a muscle imbalance between the weaker abdominals and the stronger hip flexors in trunk flexing movements, such as squats, leg press, and deadlifts, which can cause the lower back to arch leading to back pain.

Exercise 1
3 sets of 20-15 reps (for variation, try performing with a swiss ball between your knees)
Exercise 2
3 sets of 20-15 reps
Exercise 3
3 sets of 20-15 reps each side (for variation, perform with top arm extended up and hold on to a dumbbell)
Exercise 4
3 sets of 20-15 reps (heels placed up on a bench)